Ask the Doctor

Can My Child's Diet Effect Their Health?

Posted: October 24, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

In most cases it is the parents’ influence on their children which affects their eating habits.  Although children will be influenced by their peers, it is the consistency of what they see at home that sets precedence on later choices.  One of the challenges we face as parents is the lack of time. Work or children playing sports forces many people to decide to eat fast foods.  This leads to poor eating habits which are associated with higher body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat based on height and weight. Additional weight can force the pelvis and torso to shift and cause changes in spinal balance, leading to spinal misalignments (known as subluxations) and malfunction in the entire body. Steps you can take to help promote a healthy lifestyle is plan ahead on your grocery list, prepare ahead for your meals, eat together as a family and let the kids help you prepare the food.  In this way you can teach them the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to sugary snacks and processed foods. Make sure to eat healthy this upcoming holiday season. For any further tips, visit our website or call us at the number below.

Can Chiropractic Help Asthmatics

Posted: October 13, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

That is a great question! As always, I need to stress that chiropractic is a form of health and wellness care that improves an individual’s overall health. This is achieved by removing the interference and disturbance in the nervous system known as subluxation (misalignment of the spine). The adaptive physiology of the body is then better able to respond to its environment. This time of year we are outside more often and we begin fall cleanup; which are possible asthma triggers. How does the body deal with these extra environmental stressors? Having been an asthmatic myself, I truly understand the devastating affect it can have on a person’s life.  Chiropractors approach it from the standpoint of making sure the body has the ability to function at top levels. It all depends on having a clear connection in the nerve system, proper nutrients and the proper motion. More activity means more stress; therefore we need more maintenance and tender loving care. Make sure you eat more fruits and vegetables, drink lots of fresh water and get adjusted regularly. This allows the breathing mechanisms in your body to stay clear and unobstructed.  That means breathing is a bit easier and you can enjoy all the fun activities that come with the fall season.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Posted: October 5, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes pain and stiffness throughout the tissues that support and move bones and joints. It is diagnosed by specifying tender points in the muscles, particularly those that support the neck, spine, shoulders and hips. Fibromyalgia has a wide array of symptoms that include pain, fatigue and sleep disturbances.  With an average time from symptom onset to diagnosis of five years, fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose. Many times it is misdiagnosed as a psychological problem and for this reason it is important to maintain your optimal health. As for any disorder or disease, an individual needs to take responsibility for their own health.  It is important that people educate themselves on the necessary behaviors for a healthy lifestyle.  This is where we come in! At Infinite Health it is our job to educate people in regards to their health and wellness.  Look for our list of educational classes on our website and see what we have to offer!!!

What is Innate Intelligence?

Posted: October 5, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

Innate intelligence is that intelligence which resides within the body of every living thing. The best example of this is pregnancy. The first system to develop in-utero is the nervous system. This then becomes the conduit by which our amazing bodies may begin to develop and differentiate. We need not think of the development of the baby. The innate wisdom of the body understands where hearts, kidneys, liver, and other systems are located. That is where chiropractic comes into the picture. Our main goal is to maintain the integrity of the nervous system of the pregnant mother. This ensures that innate intelligence flows properly throughout the body and the development of the fetus is not impeded. Innate intelligence is with us throughout our lives and helps guide the natural inborn ability for us to heal. MAKE SURE TO GET CHECKED BY YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTOR AND RELEASE THE INBORN POTENTIAL THAT IS YOURS.