Ask the Doctor

Is All Chiropractic Care the Same?

Posted: July 17, 2012
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

Chiropractic care may vary from patient to patient and doctor to doctor. There are several factors involved in the determination of care but ultimately it is dependent on the outcome the individual patient is attempting to achieve. Whether it is just pain relief or continued wellness, most individuals start with a problem that requires an initial intensive phase of care. In this stage there is usually reduction of the symptoms and may range from a few weeks to several months. With reduction of pain the next phase allows for complete healing which addresses the underlying muscle and soft tissue damage. Upon stabilization we enter the phase of wellness and improved health and continue with periodic checkups to help prevent further injury and help optimize your health. Dependent upon the individual, it is important that they educate themselves about health and decide which type of care they are looking for and visit the chiropractor that best fits their needs.