Ask the Doctor

What is Innate Intelligence?

Posted: October 5, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

Innate intelligence is that intelligence which resides within the body of every living thing. The best example of this is pregnancy. The first system to develop in-utero is the nervous system. This then becomes the conduit by which our amazing bodies may begin to develop and differentiate. We need not think of the development of the baby. The innate wisdom of the body understands where hearts, kidneys, liver, and other systems are located. That is where chiropractic comes into the picture. Our main goal is to maintain the integrity of the nervous system of the pregnant mother. This ensures that innate intelligence flows properly throughout the body and the development of the fetus is not impeded. Innate intelligence is with us throughout our lives and helps guide the natural inborn ability for us to heal. MAKE SURE TO GET CHECKED BY YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTOR AND RELEASE THE INBORN POTENTIAL THAT IS YOURS.

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