Ask the Doctor

How Does Exercise Effect Our Health?

Posted: April 3, 2012
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

Many people begin renewal of their health with physical exercise. Our basal metabolic rate increases, which increases your ability to burn fat. Sugar levels begin to stabilize discouraging the onset of diabetes, blood pressure and heart rate normalize which helps us to reduce stress, and there are even studies that show depression may be helped with just thirty minutes of exercise three days a week. So to answer your question the affects and effects of exercise on our bodies is much more than physical. It is important that you take into consideration these changes that occur and decide, “Do I want to become proactive in my health?” OR “Do I wait until there is a problem and react by trying to solve a crisis?” Make sure to review your health choices and ask yourself, “Is this the life I want to lead?” If not the time to change is NOW!!!