Ask the Doctor

Can Chiropractic Help Asthmatics

Posted: October 13, 2011
By: Dr Serdar Sam Ayan

That is a great question! As always, I need to stress that chiropractic is a form of health and wellness care that improves an individual’s overall health. This is achieved by removing the interference and disturbance in the nervous system known as subluxation (misalignment of the spine). The adaptive physiology of the body is then better able to respond to its environment. This time of year we are outside more often and we begin fall cleanup; which are possible asthma triggers. How does the body deal with these extra environmental stressors? Having been an asthmatic myself, I truly understand the devastating affect it can have on a person’s life.  Chiropractors approach it from the standpoint of making sure the body has the ability to function at top levels. It all depends on having a clear connection in the nerve system, proper nutrients and the proper motion. More activity means more stress; therefore we need more maintenance and tender loving care. Make sure you eat more fruits and vegetables, drink lots of fresh water and get adjusted regularly. This allows the breathing mechanisms in your body to stay clear and unobstructed.  That means breathing is a bit easier and you can enjoy all the fun activities that come with the fall season.

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